H.E. Dr. KAO Thach, accompanied by colleagues, have continued visiting several sites with farmers at Bantey Meanchey Province

25 August 2022

In the afternoon of 24th August 2022, H.E. Dr. KAO Thach, Delegate of Royal Government of Cambodia in charge as Chief Executive Officer of Agricultural and Rural Development Bank (ARDB), accompanied by colleagues, have continued visiting several sites with farmers as the following:

  1. Paddy rice farmers and traders, current market status, at East Chormnomm Village, Chormnomm Commune, Mongkul borey District, Bantey Meanchey Province.
  2. Four rice millers in Mongkul Borey such as Chhay Kimting Miller, Kao Nget Miller, Hwang Li Miller, and Dy Chay Miller.
  3. Visiting Tasei Samaky Agricultural Cooperative in Thmorkul, Battambang Province.