ARDB Annual Review Meeting 2023

12 December 2023

His Excellency Dr. Kao Thach, Royal Government Delegate in charge as Director General of ARDB Bank, Deputy Chief Executive Officers, and all family members of the ARDB Bank attended the 2023 Annual Meeting on 12 December, 2023 at the hotel Garden City.
H.E Chan Seyha, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of ARDB, said that in order to support government policies, the bank will support and promote green financing programs for sustanable development and adapted to climate change. And all ARDB familly could get ready with the new context.
After listening to the ARDB achievements for 2023 report, H.E. Dr. Kao Thach concluded that in the last 25 years, the bank has a significant improvement. In fact, in the beginning, there were few employees, but now there are many employees. This evolution is a hard work of our ARDB family.

At the same time, H.E. strongly hopes that the staff who attended all the meetings will continue to prepare more plans and strategies to promote the achievement of its work plan and the bank as a whole to participate in the socio-economic development of Cambodia.