ARDB Bank signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with APRACA

9 August 2024

Siem Reap: On August 8, 2024, HE Dr. KAO Thach, Delegate of Royal Government of Cambodia, as the Chief Executive Officer of ARDB, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with APRACA. The benefits of the MOU that the Rural Development and Agriculture Bank will receive are in line with the Pentagon Strategy – Phase 1 of Royal Government of Cambodia. The creation of the Center of Excellence, APRACA will strengthen the capacity of staff to design mechanisms for rural financing, strengthen technical skills and contribute to building trust and prestige. The Center of Excellence will further strengthen APRACA’s capacity to expand its knowledge of rural finance, innovation and innovative rural financial model design. In addition, as a member of APRACA, ARDB will get the exchange knowledge and experiences in agricultural financing between member countries in the Asia-Pacific region.