Loan to Small Farmers

Who is target customer? Individual who has his/her own business activities in agricultural sector
Loan size and term
  • From 500 to 20,000 USD
  • Term: up to 5 years
Interest rate
  • From 500 – 5,000 USD
    10 – 11% per annum
  • More than 5,000 – 20,000 USD
    8 – 9% per annum
  • Have business knowledge and experiences
  • Have collateral
  • Have payment capability
Payment method
  • Monthly interest payment and
  • Principal can be paid monthly or quarterly or semester based upon customer’s cash flow
  • hard title or soft title which recognized by law, or certificate of deposit, etc.
  • Can make principal payment before maturity date without penalty
  • Can get coordination on additional technical and market linkage
Required documents
  • Khmer ID and ​family book or residence book (copy)
  • Land title document as collateral
  • Income-Expense information and business plan

How to apply

Please contact Agricultural and Rural Development bank nearby or via phone (098 304 057/ 023 220 810|811).