Loan to Financial Institution (Wholesale)

Who is target customer? Microfinance deposits taking institution, Microfinance institutions, Rural credit operators, Leasing companies, which got license from National Bank of Cambodia and fulfill requirements from related authorities.
Loan size and interest rate
  • ​Loan from 100,000 USD up, Interest rate 8-9% per annum
  • Less than 5 years
Payment method
  • Monthly interest payment and
  • Principal can be made at the end of time or as reduced principal payment based up on customer’s cash flow
  • For Rural credit operators and Leasing companies, it is required collateral as estate, other guarantee certificate or certificate of deposit or bond.
  • For Microfinance institutions, Microfinance deposits taking institution, and bank institution, collateral is not required.
  • Can make principal payment before maturity date without penalty
Required documents For Rural credit operators and Leasing companies:

  • Representative or board of director’s ID (copy)
  • Collateral
  • Minute of board of director meeting
  • Financial report (balance sheet and income statement) for previous 2 years and current period of financial report for borrower as rural credit operator
  • Audit financial report for previous 2 years and current period of financial report for borrower as leasing companies.
  • Business plan for next 3 years

For Microfinance institutions, Microfinance deposits taking institution and bank institutions:

  • Representative’s ID (copy)
  • NBC report as in accordance with NBC’s regulations
  • Minute of board of director meeting
  • Audited financial report for previous 2 years and current period financial report
  • Business plan for next 3 years

How to apply

Please contact Agricultural and Rural Development bank nearby or via phone (098 304 057/ 023 220 810|811).