ARDB staffs in Takeo province has attended the 2023 community annual meeting

15 February 2024

With the highly permission of H.E Dr. KAO Thach, Delegate of the Royal Government of Cambodia in charge as the Chief Executive Officer of Agricultural and Rural Development Bank (ARDB), ARDB staffs in Takeo province has attended the 2023 community annual meeting on February 14th, 2024 which held at community office in Trapaeng Thom village, Roneam commune, Traeng district, Takeo province.
This annual meeting aims to:
1/ Summarize the leadership and agricultural community’s management in a whole year to agricultural community’s members.
2/ Report the progressive and result of business to agricultural community’s members.
3/ Launching the achievement of community market or agricultural products collection centre, where creating the community’s businesses.

4/ Approve the annual activity plan and financial plan of 2024 and other related issues of agricultural community.