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H.E Dr. Soeng Reth and H.E Ban Lim, participated in 7th World Congress on Rural and Agriculture Finance

25 November 2022

With the kind permission from H.E. Dr. KAO Thach, Delegate of the Royal Government of Cambodia in charge of Chief Executive Officer of Agricultural and Rural Development Bank, H.E Dr. Soeng Reth and H.E Ban Lim, deputy CEO of ARDB, participated in 7th World Congress on Rural and Agriculture Finance, with other 200 members from over 27 countries, on November ...

H.E. Dr. KAO Thach in the Annual Conference of Cambodia Rice Federation 2022

24 November 2022

H.E. Dr. KAO Thach, Delegate of Royal Government of Cambodia in charge as Chief Executive Officer, accompanied by DCEO and colleagues, attended and delivered impression on roles of state-owned and policy bank supporting rice sector in Cambodia in the Annual Conference of Cambodia Rice Federation 2022, presided by H.E. Dr. AUN Pornmoniroth, Deputy Prime Minister Minister of Economy and Finance ...

H.E. Dr. KAO Thach accompanied by DCEO and colleagues, has lead an emergency meeting with representaive of Cambodia Rice Federation, Rice Millers, and Rice Exporters

19 November 2022

H.E. Dr. KAO Thach, Delegate of Royal Government of Cambodia in charge as Chief Executive Officer of Agricultural and Rural Development Bank (ARDB), accompanied by DCEO and colleagues, has lead an emergency meeting with representaive of Cambodia Rice Federation, Rice Millers, and Rice Exporters to discuss on (1) the rice price in potential provinces such as Battambang, Banteymeanchey, Pusat, Kampongthom, ...

Congratulations to Cambodia Rice, awarded as the World Best Rice 2022

17 November 2022

Agricultural and Rural Development Bank (ARDB) would like to express our congratulations to Cambodia Rice, awarded as the World Best Rice 2022 in the World Rice Conference in Phuket, Thailand on 17th November 2022.  

H.E Dr. KAO Thach, and colleagues have received a courtesy call from Ms. Sandrine BOUCHER, Country Director of the AFD

16 November 2022

In this morning of November 16, 2022, H.E Dr. KAO Thach, Royal Government Delegate in charge as CEO of ARDB and colleagues have received a courtesy call from Ms. Sandrine BOUCHER, Country Director of the AFD – Agence Française de Développement in Cambodia, and her colleague, at ARDB Headquarters. During the meeting, ARDB and AFD discussed about several matters in ...

ឯកឧត្តមបណ្ឌិត កៅ ថាច ចូលរួមកម្មវិធីសំណេះសំណាលជាមួយសិស្សានុសិស្ស នៅវិទ្យាល័យខ្សាច់កណ្តាល

31 October 2022

វិទ្យាល័យហ៊ុន សែន រ៉ូតា ខ្សាច់កណ្តាល៖ រសៀលថ្ងៃចន្ទ ទី៣១ ខែតុលា ឆ្នាំ២០២២ វេលាម៉ោង ១៥ និង ០០ នាទី , ឯកឧត្តមបណ្ឌិត កៅ ថាច ប្រតិភូរាជរដ្ឋាភិបាលទទួលបន្ទុកជាអគ្គនាយកនៃធនាគារអភិវឌ្ឍន៍ជនបទ និងកសិកម្ម រួមជាមួយអនុប្រធាន និងសហការី បានចូលរួមកម្មវិធីសំណេះសំណាលជាមួយលោកនាយក នាយករង លោកគ្រូអ្នកគ្រូ និងសិស្សានុសិស្សថ្នាក់ទី១២ នៃវិទ្យាល័យ ហ៊ុន សែន រ៉ូតាខ្សាច់កណ្តាល ដែលត្រៀមប្រឡងសញ្ញាបត្រមធ្យមសិក្សាទុតិយភូមិ ដែលមានវត្តមានចូលរួមសរុប ៣១៦ នាក់។ ក្នុងឱកាសនោះ ឯកឧត្តមបណ្ឌិត កៅ ថាច បានពាំនាំប្រសាសន៍ផ្តាំផ្ញើសួរសុខទុក្ខ និងការនឹករលឹកដ៏ជ្រាលជ្រៅពីសំណាក់ ឯកឧត្តមអគ្គបណ្ឌិតសភាចារ្យ អូន ព័ន្ធមុនីរ័ត្ន ឧបនាយករដ្ឋមន្ត្រី រដ្ឋមន្ត្រីក្រសួងសេដ្ឋកិច្ចនិងហិរញ្ញវត្ថុ ជូនដល់ប្អូនៗសិស្សានុសិស្ស និងលោកគ្រូអ្នកគ្រូទាំងអស់។ ឆ្លៀតក្នុងឱកាសនោះ ឯកឧត្តមបណ្ឌិត បានណែនាំ និងផ្តាំផ្ញើដល់ប្អូនៗសិស្សានុសិស្សឱ្យខិតខំសិក្សារៀនសូត្រ និងត្រៀមលក្ខណៈសម្បត្តិ សម្រាប់ប្រឡងសញ្ញាបត្រមធ្យមសិក្សាទុតិយភូមិ ដែលនឹងប្រព្រឹត្តទៅនៅថ្ងៃទី៥ ខែធ្នូ ឆ្នាំ២០២២ ខាងមុខនេះ ឱ្យទទួលបាននូវលទ្ធផលល្អប្រសើរ គឺជាប់ឱ្យបានច្រើន តាមទិសស្លោក “អ្នកចេះគឺជាប់” ...

H.E Dr. KAO Thach, and colleagues attended a meeting with SoftBank Corp​ via Zoom Meeting

31 October 2022

In this morning of October 31, 2022, H.E Dr. KAO Thach, Royal Government Delegate in charge as CEO of ARDB and colleagues attended a meeting with SoftBank Corp​ via Zoom Meeting. The main objective of this meeting was to introduce innovation in agriculture by adopting AI which was powered by “e-kakashi” app on mobile phone to analyze all growth stages ...

H.E. Dr. KAO Thach,​ has conducted a presentation, shared experiences, and been a panelist on Development Finance Institutions Roles in Infrastructure, Technology, and Agriculture Development

27 October 2022

H.E. Dr. KAO Thach, Delegate of Royal Government of Cambodia in charge as Chief Executive Officer of ARDB​ has conducted a presentation, shared experiences, and been a panelist on Development Finance Institutions Roles in Infrastructure, Technology, and Agriculture Development: Case in Cambodia in the Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP) 45th Annual Meeting on afternoon ...

H.E. Dr. KAO Thach, representing all ARDB management and staffs, has received “Development Awards 2022”

27 October 2022

H.E. Dr. KAO Thach, Delegate of Royal Government of Cambodia in charge as Chief Executive Officer of ARDB, representing all ARDB management and staffs, has received “Development Awards 2022” under the category of Local Economic Development from Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP) on the evening of 26th October 2022. This award has been provided ...

H.E. Dr. KAO Thach, as one of the ADFIAP Board of Director Members, accompanied by colleagues, have joined the 93rd ADFIAP Board of Directors Meeting

26 October 2022

H.E. Dr. KAO Thach, Delegate of Royal Government of Cambodia in charge as Chief Executive Officer of ARDB as one of the ADFIAP Board of Director Members, accompanied by colleagues, have joined the 93rd ADFIAP Board of Directors Meeting on the morning of 26th October 2022 in Philippines. This meeting has discussed on the following agenda: 1. Approval of the ...