Loan to Rice Sectors Players

Who is target customer? Rice collecting center, rice miller, rice inventory warehouse, rice bank also silo owners of agricultural product, who have commitment and capability to collect fragrant rice, neang khon rice or other agricultural products from farmers per price determined by Agricultural and Rural Development bank as align with the Government’s direction.
Loan size
  • Working capital loan from 50,000 USD
  • Investment loan size up to 5,000,000 USD
  • Short term loan: less than 1 year
  • Long term loan: up to 10 years
Interest rate
  • 5% per annum
Payment method
  • Monthly interest payment and
  • Make principal payment when taking rice out from rice, corn and other agricultural products inventory warehouse or make principal payment at the end of time
  • Rice, corn and other agricultural products inventory or debt-guarantee certificate from buyer or exporter
  • Can make principal payment before maturity date without penalty
  • Can get loan up to 70% of rice, corn, and other agricultural products inventory, or that of debt-guarantee certificate from buyer or exporter (for working capital)
  • Can get 3-years grace period for investment loan
Required documents For working capital

  • Khmer ID and ​family book (copy)
  • Income-Expense information and business plan
  • Have business experiences at least 2 years
  • Business owner for either individual or shall register business and get permission from law and regulations of related authorities
  • Rice warehouse has storage capacity at least 3,000 tons
  • Rice drying facility has capacity at least 50 tons per day
  • Warehouse has enough equipment such as forklift, Bulldozer, etc.,
  • Collateral as fragrant rice, neang khon, corn, or other agricultural products as appropriate quantity and technician
  • Have fire insurance for rice, corn, or other agricultural products, in which have minimum cost equal to amount of borrowing from ARDB

For investment loan

  • Khmer ID and ​family book (copy)
  • Land title as collateral ​
  • Income-Expense information and business plan
  • Have company registration certificate or license for business and exporting (copy)
  • Warehouse can store rice at least 50,000 tons
  • Rice drying facility with capacity at least 500 to 1,000 tons per day
  • Have business experience at least 5 years for more than 5 years
  • Have appropriate land for constructing drying facility and warehouse, around 3-5 hectors

How to apply

Please contact Agricultural and Rural Development bank nearby or via phone (098 304 057/ 023 220 810|811).