Accelerating Inclusive Markets for Smallholders project

26 June 2020

Under fund support from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD),
AIMS project intents to accelerate the inclusive growth of markets and for higher value agricultural products and the development of associated local clusters through which poorer smallholders producers can benefit alongside others. The project has total fund of 36,3 million USD, implement for 6 years (2017-2023) and there are 5 main target commodities including quality assured rice, vegetable, backyard chicken, cassava, and raw silk.
By implementing component 2 of the project (value chain financing), which is supervised by Ministry of Economy and Finance, with objective to support value chain financing and promote private investment, the Agricultural and Rural Development Bank plays 2 main roles as below:

  1. To provide loan to smallholder or agricultural cooperative as the project beneficiary also to all stakeholders of agricultural value chain and/or to on-lend to participating financial institutions.
  2. As fund administrator of Value Chain Innovation Fund to project beneficiary who fulfill project terms and conditions.