Agricultural and Rural Development Bank visited Mr. Kung Sor, Head of Srear Brang Lvea Eam Associatoin, Lvea Em District, who encountered accidence while drying rice for the association.

10 November 2020

Agricultural and Rural Development Bank: In the afternoon of 03 October 2019, HE. Kao Thach, CEO of the Rural Development Bank and Chairman of the Working Group on Farmers’ Movement and Agricultural Product Market for Ksach Kandal, Lvea Em, and Kean Svay District, and Mr. Pim Peara, Governor of the Governing Body of Lvea Em District, and colleagues, visit Mr. Kung Sor, Head of Srear Brang Lvea Eam Associatoin, who gets injured for losing fingers while drying the association’s rice. Up to the date, Mr. Kung Sor is staying in District Hospital of Lvea Em. Additionally, to ease the treatment cost, HE. Kao Thach contributes 1 million Riels to Mr. Kung Sor as well.

On the same date, HE. Kao Thach further visits a vegetable farms that uses Hydroponic system in family business of Mr. Dul Deun in Kdey Kandal Village, Sarika Keo Commune. Based on the sharing conversation, the family can earn extra income from selling vegetable, roughly 1 million Riels per month.