One Village One Product International Seminar. Xi’an, China, 04-08 November 2005

8 November 2005

A Cambodian delegation led by H.E.Son Koun Thor, attended the One Village One Product International Seminar, held in Xi’an City, Shaanxi province, China from 04 to 08 November 2005, organized by State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, P.R.of China.

The seminar was presided over by H.E.Zeng Qinghong, Vice-President of the P.R.of China, H.E.Dr. Somkid Jatusripitak, Vice-Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance of Thailand, H.E.Tommichi Murayame, former Japanese Prime Minister, H.E.Morihiko Hiramatsu, former Governor of Oita province.

Around 6,000 participants from 15 countries, concerned institutions, and Chinese students, attended the seminar.

Purpose of the seminar is to share experiences on the strategy of the poverty alleviation in rural areas.


Meeting with the Secretary of the Party of Xi’an City.

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