H.E. Dr. KAO Thach, accompanied by colleagues, have continued visiting Pailin Longgan Agricultural Cooperative at Pailin Province
24 August 2022
H.E. Dr. KAO Thach, Delegate of Royal Government of Cambodia in charge as Chief Executive Officer of Agricultural and Rural Development Bank (ARDB), accompanied by colleagues, have continued visiting Pailin Longgan Agricultural Cooperative at Toeuk Phos Village, Stoueng Kach Commune, Sala Krao District, Pailin Province, and study feasibility to to provide loan with low interest rate as well as production expansion for exportation, in the morning of 24 of August 2022. In the same morning, H.E Dr. KAO Thach also visited customers, who grow diversified crops such as eggplant, cabbage, corn, and cauliflower.