H.E. Dr. KAO Thach accompanied by DCEO and colleagues, has lead an emergency meeting with representaive of Cambodia Rice Federation, Rice Millers, and Rice Exporters

19 November 2022

H.E. Dr. KAO Thach, Delegate of Royal Government of Cambodia in charge as Chief Executive Officer of Agricultural and Rural Development Bank (ARDB), accompanied by DCEO and colleagues, has lead an emergency meeting with representaive of Cambodia Rice Federation, Rice Millers, and Rice Exporters to discuss on (1) the rice price in potential provinces such as Battambang, Banteymeanchey, Pusat, Kampongthom, and Prey Veng Province (2) current status of Cambodia rice exportation. In this meeting, Rice Millers have updated the current situation of rice collection and its price while the Rice Exporters have also updated the international market conditions and the purchasing order from China, European Union and other. At the end of the meeting, H.E. Dr. has suggested to Rice Millers and Rice Exporters to continue purchasing rice from farmers during this season and increase the volume of rice exportation, and to Cambodia Rice Federation to work with its members to do the rice zoning collection, on November 18th 2022.