His Excellency Dr. Kao Thach, Royal Government Delegate in charge of the Director General of Agriculture and Rural Development Bank(ARDB), staff of the Kampot Provincial Mobile Office participated in organizing a forum on “Multilateral Stakeholders at the Chicken Chain Price Chain”.
7 March 2024
After receiving a honor permission from H.E Dr. KAO Thach, Delegate of the Royal Government of Cambodia in charge as the Chief Executive Officer of Agriculture and Rural Development Bank (ARDB), ARDB Mobile Unit staffs in charge of Kampot province attended a forum “Multi-party of stakeholders in chicken price chain cluster ” on March 6th, 2024 which took place at Val Tbal Village, Mean chey commune, Chhouk district, Kampot province. This forum was participated: Four groups of production representative, Chicken collector, VCI and BCF officers, GIC groups, ARDB Bank and village authority. As result, this forum has achieved as the following:
- disseminated the purposes of the meeting.
- prepared the production and marketing plan.
- purchased of agricultural inputs as group.
- adapted the chicken raising methods.
- discussed on problems and solutions for chicken production group with collector
- disseminated ARDB Bank financing support products
- coordinated to continue the four chicken sale contracts between collector in area.