Meeting between Agricultural and Rural Development Bank (ARDB) with the Secretariat of Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP) on the progress of preparation for ADFIAP 47th Annual Meetings in Cambodia.

21 March 2024

After receiving the honor permission from H.E. Dr. KAO Thach, Royal Government Delegate of Cambodia in charge as Chief Executive Officer of Agricultural and Rural Development Bank (ARDB), H.E. CHAN Seyha, H.E. PECH Sany, H.E. BAN Lim Deputy CEO of ARDB accompanied by colleagues has joined the virtual meeting with ADFIAP Secretariat, on March 21st 2024, to update the progress of preparation to Host the ADFIAP 47th Annual Meetings in Cambodia, to be held on May 15-17 2024. This year Annual Meetings is organized under the theme of “DFIs Role in Sustainable Finance Ecosystem: Cultivating A Climate-Smart and Sustainable Future” and expected to 93 institutions from 41 countries as ADFIAP members and other relevant stakeholders in Cambodia joining.