About Us
The Rural Development Bank (RDB) was established by the Royal Government of Cambodia through sub-decree No.1, January 21, 1998, and operates as a specialized bank in agriculture sector. In 2014, the Royal Government of Cambodia amended the roles and organizational structures of RDB through sub-decree No. 199, June 11, 2014, to adapt a new corporate governance. The Rural Development Bank has transformed from a specialized bank to a commercial bank and amended the name to Agricultural and Rural Development Bank (ARDB), in accordance with sub-decree No.124, dated August 27, 2019.
ARDB is ambitious in providing a full, efficient, and sustainable banking service to support agriculture sector and rural economies development that contributes to national economic development in line with the Royal Government of Cambodia Policy.
ARDB has played both roles as a commercial and a policy bank, bridging the financial gaps in the development sector that private banking and financial institutions hesitate to take risks.
ARDB has been continuously expanding its operations, capital, and collaboration with partners to provide efficient and sustainable financing and banking services to the agricultural sector. Currently, ARDB has established a branch in Battambang and other 14 mobile units to provide banking services to farmers, agricultural cooperatives, rice millers, MSMEs, and other related stakeholders in agriculture values chain.

Roles and Duties
- To serve as both a commercial bank and a policy bank;
- To provide financing and banking related products ranging from loan, payment, and deposits to key stakeholders in the agricultural value chain and rural economy;
- To provide financing and technical supports including coordination and resolution to address issues in the agricultural value chain and rural economy by means of finding market, advising, and capacity building as instances;
- To promote adaptation of technology and innovation to improve efficiency in providing services and to enhance customers’ competitiveness in the market;
- To collaborate and/or syndicate loan with any local and international financial institutions in providing financing or implementing projects related to agriculture sector and rural sector;
- To implement financing project or manage funds in form of partnership with development partners; To manage programs or intervention mechanisms of the Royal Government;
- To accumulate and provide financing to expand activities of ARDB;
- To provide other banking services related to financial resource management and allocation effectively with adherence to good corporate governance and social and environmental responsibilities;
- To collaborate with relevant Ministries and institutions in fulfilling the roles and duties of ARDB effectively.



(ភាសាខ្មែរ) សុចរិតភាព គឺជាគុណតម្លៃស្នូលមួយដែលផ្សារភ្ជាប់រវាងភាពស្មោះត្រង់និងមនសិការវិជ្ជាជីវៈ។
(ភាសាខ្មែរ) កិច្ចសហការ គឺជាគុណតម្លៃស្នូលមួយដែលបង្ហាញអំពីសកម្មភាពនៃការទំនាក់ទំនង និងការបំពេញការងាររួមគ្នាដើម្បីសម្រេចបាននូវគោលដៅរួម។
(ភាសាខ្មែរ) នវានុវត្តន៍ គឺជាគុណតម្លៃស្នូលមួយដែលបង្ហាញអំពីការអនុវត្តការងារដែលមានលក្ខណៈទំនើបកម្មនិងភាពច្នៃប្រឌិត។- Integrity
- collaborate
- Innovation